CFI Collaborates with Manila Health Department and Cluster Groups to Intensify TB Eradication in the City

Jul 17, 2023 | Health, TB in the workplace | 0 comments

Culion Foundation Inc. convened with the Manila Health Department (MHD) and identified cluster groups on July 17, 2023. The meeting, which took place at Bayview Hotel, Manila, centered on reviewing the progress of the TB in the Workplace Project and assessing the implementation of TB policies within the City of Manila.

Representatives from Department of Public Services (DPS), City Security Force (CSF), Manila Traffic and Parking Bureau (MTPB), and Center for Community Transformation (CCT) joined forces with Culion Foundation Inc. in this vital undertaking.

The primary goal of the meeting was twofold: firstly, to reinforce the referral system between the cluster groups and the local health department, and secondly, to harmonize their collective TB eradication efforts throughout the remainder of 2023. A robust referral system is essential for detecting TB cases promptly and ensuring that affected individuals receive appropriate care and support in a timely manner. By enhancing this system, the parties involved aim to streamline communication and foster a more coordinated approach to tackling TB within the city.

The collaborative efforts are in line with the action plan and policy that the cluster groups collectively signed earlier this year. The action plan encompasses various initiatives, including conducting active case finding within the groups and organizing educational lectures on TB. Moreover, information dissemination campaigns utilizing Information, education, and Communication (IEC) materials, such as flyers and posters, are set to raise awareness about TB and its prevention.

CFI has long been recognized as a prominent champion in the country’s campaign to eliminate TB. With the TB in the Workplace Project, the foundation seeks to empower workplaces by increasing awareness and knowledge on how to address TB effectively. By tapping into the available local resources, workplaces can play a pivotal role in creating a healthier environment and contribute significantly to the nationwide efforts to combat TB.

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