CFI and LMI recently concluded the POCUS training done in Linapacan and Culion last May 27- June 7, 2024. LMI and CFI capacitated nurses and midwives on the use of POCUS as part of prenatal care for pregnant mothers. From its end, LMI’s Dr. Stefan Haller provided an...
Strengthening Tuberculosis Care: Active Case Finding in Quezon Province
TB Active Case Finding in Quezon Province Tuberculosis Active Case Finding (ACF) was successfully conducted in San Narciso and Guinayangan, Quezon Province last May 7-8, 2024. The CFI Team was able to provide health services to 173 individuals from the vulnerable...
Celebrating 48 Years of Culion Foundation, Inc.: Reflecting on the Past, Energizing the Present, and Charting the Future
Today marks the 48th Founding Anniversary of Culion Foundation, Inc. To commemorate this milestone, we invite you to join our anniversary celebration on June 17th, with the theme "A Look Back to the Past to Reenergize the Present and Chart the Future" Watch our...