Transforming Health in Bohol: Culion Foundation’s Integrated Approach to Community Well-being (2003-2008)

#ThrowbackThursday: Even in the early 2000s, Culion Foundation, Inc. has incorporated an integrated health service delivery approach in its program through the implementation of the project titled “Integrated Health Services and Health Support Infrastructure Project for Bohol Provinces”.

This project was a five year health initiative, which commenced implementation in April 2003 with financial assistance from Fundacion ANESVAD. The Project has been designed to complement the existing health programs and projects being implemented by the government, particularly on the prevention of leprosy and other communicable diseases; (1) Leprosy; (2) acute respiratory infection/upper respiratory tract infection/ pneumonia; (3) dengue; (4) diarrhea; (5) malnutrition; and (6) hepatitis B.

The project’s overall objective was to “to improve the health conditions of the people of Bohol, particularly the underprivileged population living in the priority geographic sites (i.e., 26 municipalities) who lack access to basic health services”. Its specific objectives were the following: (1) to reduce the prevalence rate of leprosy from more than one per 10,000 population: (2) to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of the other priority communicable and infectious diseases; (3) to enhance the technical capability of local medical practitioners (i.e., doctors, nurses, medical, technologists, midwives, and barangay health workers) on the diagnosis and treatment of the priority diseases; (4) to enable the local population, especially the underprivileged, to have more access to basic health facilities and services; (5) to raise the local people’s consciousness on the causes, magnitude, and control of the priority diseases; and (6) to empower the local communities and the local government units to sustain the project’s gains beyond its implementation time frame. Consistent with these objectives, the project’s components are: (1) capability building; (2) information, education and communication campaign; (3) active case finding and treatment; and (4) empowerment for sustainability.

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