ASEDP Testimonials; From Person With Disability (PWD) to Person With Diskarte (PWD)

Josie Abila lives in Coron, Palawan and a PWD. Her body is half paralyzed. She started with a sari-sari store and rice retail business. She came to us requesting for additional funds for her business because she wanted to expand her rice retail business. When the pandemic happened, she became the supplier of rice to the government, to sustain the food needed by the people during lock down. Her business of rice retail was successful and now she expanded her business into retail / wholesale of commercial rice. She also has an additional warehouse for the stocks of her rice. She only have one helper when she started the business but now she hired two more helpers. In spite of her physical condition with the help of her family members, she manages to improve and expand her business and help the community by making the goods available and opening jobs to locals. Truly, nothing is impossible and no disability can hinder a person’s drive to success.

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